Wednesday 13 October 2010

Film poster analysis


Using Saussares signs: The pink lips indicate a nice girl and hints innocence, however it contrasts deeply with the greenish blue skin colour which somewhat resembles a dead person; hence the title and picture are hinting the contents of the film to some extent. The Light shining from bottom right corner makes one side light and the other dark and shadowed, in a sense the bottom corner looks more lively and 'healthy' whilst the shadowed side looks completely dead and almost rotten, it could be said that the poster is representing the life cycle of the girl; the bottom corner white and alert moving towards the centre again nice glittered pink lips,happiness then suddenly shadowing and darkening to the top corner -as though its the stages of life to death.
Using Barthes myths: The pink glittered lips assume a party girl (stereotypically) when associated with the title it makes one think of a girl dying possibly going out. The colour of skin typical ghostly skin colour, which again resembles a dead person or a ghost, however it also represents serenity and purity.

Overall the poster is very catchy and appears lively and girl at first sight. However reading the meanings behind the colours and the way the picture is positioned, it makes you think of a tragic storyline.

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