Wednesday 13 October 2010

Letter to AS students.

What do you know now that you wished you knew about media coursework in the first year?

Welcome to Chelmsford College,

To begin with i realised how very important the preliminary assignmetn is, because that is where you learn all the techniques of using Photoshop and most importantly producing a product to almost proffesional level. All the tools and techniques you learn in the the first year are extremely cruical for the other assignments that would need to be completed. What I really wish I knew was time and planning. The main coursework requires loads of time and effort, and is very important. The better your coursework the more chances you pass (50% coursework 50% exam!). You must plan your work because you may find that your idea is very hard to apply to your work, which may result as delaying your coursework and sometimes starting all over, which you really don’t want! Do not over exaggerate a project. If it is not possible to make do not work on it because it will only be a waste of time. Trust me time is just vital vital vital! Make sure you spend just as much time on your blog as you do on the practical part of the coursework because it is equally important. I realised that my blog gained me many marks, your blog is proof that you have done work and put effort in to the assignment. If you have minimal amount of posts, that just says, ' I have done very little work'. You don't want that!
Practice makes perfect! So practice using Photoshop and you’ll do wonders with your work also if you do a mistake on Photoshop if you know how to use it you can fix it in no time rather than moaning and nagging Jo for help!
Therfore, although i was awarded a grade B for my coursework in the first year, if i knew how to use Photoshop aswell as i do now, it would have been a pain free year and i would have had more time to revise for the exam. Best advise to give you in my point of view would be 'Work hard'

Good Luck.

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