Monday 27 September 2010

Chanel Advert Analysis

In analysing this advert, i have come across many techniques used to draw attention, which makes it a rather succesful advert. The colours used in this advert are very innocent and tranquil yet provokotive, for example she is wearing white blending in with the white background which represent purity, yet her eye make up which is dark, is known to be sexually provocative. Her hair is smart and tidy, which looks elegant, and in control. The aim of the advert is to draw women to the fragrance to do this they have used these techniques which give women a false consciousness of ''you could be the same'', to further show this; the way the model is positioned and her parted lips are very seductive and appealing to ''men'', therfore this idea is imposed upon the audience(women) who would like to be appealing, who as a result buy the product. The type face of the logo is appears to be done like a signature but also looks rebellious, it catches the eye straight away.

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