Monday 27 September 2010

Film Analysis - Documentary

The documentary we watched to analyse was based on the doomed life of Biggie Smalls and Tupac. The two hour long documentary was directed, produced and narrated by Nick Broomfield, who has brought the documentary together by interviews most that were primarily filmed by him, music videos and early photographs of the stars. During the documentary at some points Biggie and Tupacs own music was played, which emphasises the sadness of two successful people bothvkilled by drive-by shootings. Broomfield personally interviewed the two stars closest kins, which gives more in-depth information about their life. The documentary was predominantly made up of events that led to the both the deaths. The usefulness of this advert was that, it showed the techniques that would make a successful documentary, however i saw that it was not very beneficial for me as the techniques in there are not necessary for my chosen assignment.

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