Monday 27 September 2010

Film Analysis - Documentary

The documentary we watched to analyse was based on the doomed life of Biggie Smalls and Tupac. The two hour long documentary was directed, produced and narrated by Nick Broomfield, who has brought the documentary together by interviews most that were primarily filmed by him, music videos and early photographs of the stars. During the documentary at some points Biggie and Tupacs own music was played, which emphasises the sadness of two successful people bothvkilled by drive-by shootings. Broomfield personally interviewed the two stars closest kins, which gives more in-depth information about their life. The documentary was predominantly made up of events that led to the both the deaths. The usefulness of this advert was that, it showed the techniques that would make a successful documentary, however i saw that it was not very beneficial for me as the techniques in there are not necessary for my chosen assignment.

Chanel Advert Analysis

In analysing this advert, i have come across many techniques used to draw attention, which makes it a rather succesful advert. The colours used in this advert are very innocent and tranquil yet provokotive, for example she is wearing white blending in with the white background which represent purity, yet her eye make up which is dark, is known to be sexually provocative. Her hair is smart and tidy, which looks elegant, and in control. The aim of the advert is to draw women to the fragrance to do this they have used these techniques which give women a false consciousness of ''you could be the same'', to further show this; the way the model is positioned and her parted lips are very seductive and appealing to ''men'', therfore this idea is imposed upon the audience(women) who would like to be appealing, who as a result buy the product. The type face of the logo is appears to be done like a signature but also looks rebellious, it catches the eye straight away.

Thursday 23 September 2010

Peter Rawlings

In this lesson, we were given a task which required us to video a short film using a script. I learnt the tips of writing a script and acting it out along side being filmed. We were given responsibilty of the cameras, which we used in line with safety regulations e.g making sure we were not in the way of other people when using the tripod and filming, which could lead to accidents damaging/injuring any students, staff or equipment.

Although i did not film, i explained camera techniques which would make a better film. Before we began to film, we were given a cast sheet which consisted of cast names and the time we took the camera and replaced it as this is a rule of filming and taking equipment. This was the first part of the lesson. In the second part we were introduced to Mac computers. On these computers Peter showed and explained how to edit the films we videoed. I learnt saw how films could be cut short, how to delete unwanted scenes etc. which helped very much because me and my partner will have to do our own editing in the coming lessons and make sure we do this correctly.

Introduction with Joanna Green

With our first lesson with Jo, we were firstly given an initial assessment of media skills where we rated our skills from 0 to 5. This helped me as an individual very much as i was able to see what i was lacking on and what i had learnt in the previous year which i now could benefit from in this years coursework. We were once again given a lecture by Jo about the ups and downs of the type of coursework each of us picked. I learnt what i could do to make my production successful and what i shouldn't do.
I also had to sign a form regarding the responbility of equipment and rules of safety, which made me aware of what could happen if i did not abide by rules that are set all over in the media industry which is extremely crucial.